The Town of Brookline offers two basketball programs for boys and girls beginning in late fall through the winter.
Town Travel League (tryouts required - see Travel Tryouts & Registration)
There are also many opportunities available to Brookline boys and girls to play outside of these Town of Brookline sponsored programs.
This section of the website is intended to provide links to nearby AAU programs as well as Camps and Clinics. We will try to update this section of the site frequently as new camp and clinic offerings arise so keep coming back.
In addition to the two Town sponsored programs mentioned above, the Town also offers clinics for boys and girls in grades K through 2. These coed clinics will teach students the basic fundamentals of the game of basketball. Participants will take part in organized drills that teach the basics of basketball, such as dribbling, passing, shooting, and defensive stances. At the end of each session participants will play games using the skills they learned. This is not a team/league based activity. (See the Town of Brookline's Registration page.)