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The Town of Brookline offers four basketball programs for boys and girls ranging from kindergarten through high school:



Players are not permitted to play in both the Travel and Joel Noe League programs.


Financial assistance with program registration fees may be available from the Recreation Department.


Gym Locations

Games for both Travel and Joel Noe are played among three different gyms at the BHS campus.

  • Schluntz Gynasium (115 Greenough Street): adjacent to the main BHS building at corner of Greenough Street and Davis Avenue

  • Tappan Street Gym #1 (66 Tappan Street): Main gym on the second floor at the corner of Tappan Street and Sumner Road

  • Tappan Street Gym #2 / "Rock Gym" (66 Tappan Street): Secondary gym at the Tappan facility down the hall on the second floor


The K-2 Clinics are held at Soule Recreation Center (652 Hammond Street).







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